The Course, structured in 5 Sections, aims to familiarise students with the art and challenges of drafting agreements in international commerce, from a professional point of view. 

Section I is dedicated to the analysis of the main features of an international contract, focusing on some peculiar aspects regarding the different stages of negotiation.

Section II is dedicated to a deep analysis of general interpretative principles working especially on International contracts and its effects on the content of  international agreements (Students will deal with some traditional clauses and provisions).

Section III is dedicated to Contract Law and some Civil Procedural Law references (including Rome I Regulation and Brussel I).

Section IV concerns the investigation of the structure and the functioning of International contracts' most settled clauses and provisions. 

In Section V the Students will deal with the drafting of International contracts, according to various templates.

Attendance to class is highly recommended. The Lectures and the final oral examination will be held in English.